About Worship
God wants to be worshiped through faith so that we receive from Him those things He promises and offers
— The Apology of the Augsburg Confession, IV.49
We believe and teach that true worship is receiving from God His promised gifts of life, salvation and the forgiveness of all of our sins. We then respond with thanks and praise for these wonderful and priceless gifts.
Worship Form
St. Mark Lutheran Church gladly uses the historic liturgies of the Lutheran Church.
The hymnal we use is the Lutheran Service Book (Concordia Publishing House 2006 www.cph.org)
Communion Practice
Our church practices Closed Communion, that is: it is our desire that all people would commune with us, but out of high regard for the Lord’s Word, we believe that unity in teaching comes before unity in communion.
If you are not a member of a Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod congregation or one with whom we share altar fellowship we ask that you would refrain from communing at this time. Please speak with Pastor Kolb about our practice and how you can prepare to recieve this very important gift.